
Bing IPIPROOMA Wrapper

Welcome to the IPIROOMA search engine, the premier source of data on the Internet.

What is the IPIROOMA Search Engine?
The IPIROOMA search engine is the Internet Portal to access the IPIROOMA Data Repository - the oldest and largest repository of data on the planet.  It contains the sum of all human knowledge, real and imagined.  It contains trivia.  It contains outrageous facts you'll find hard to believe.  It will bolster your convictions and destroy your perceptions.  Simply put, without IPIROOMA, the world's discourse would cease to function.

IPIROOMA predates Google and the Internet.  It doesn't build auto-driving cars, or high-speed Internet.  All it does is data, and it processes trillions upon trillions of queries a day.  The Internet has really enhanced access to and use of IPIROOMA data - we just wish we would get more credit.

IPIROOMA data has been used in board rooms, class rooms, beer halls, offices and in major policy decisions for many years.  In fact, pretty much all Microsoft BING searches return IPIROOMA data.

After reading the content below, you will develop an appreciation for how IPIROOMA shapes your life on a daily basis.

Who uses IPIROOMA?

IPIROOMA is used by countless millions of people around the world every day, often without even knowing it.  IPIROOMA data is frequently utilized in other forms, often without proper attribution.

Media is a major consumer of IPIROOMA data.  It seeps into daily reporting, but is most prominently used during "crisis" reporting where they stay on the same story for countless hours of coverage giving air to every rumor and dredging up sketchy "experts" who don't know whats going on either.
Major customers:

Alex Jones

* Note - given the number of conspiracy theories that have come true, IPIROOMA has considered a number of his statements to be no longer IPIROOMA data.

The media stampede to eliminate this flag - the battle flag of the Virginia regiment of the Confederacy called the Southern Cross - from all public venues because it "represents slavery and genocide" is a classic abuse of IPIROOMA data.

A quick bit of research of historical archives would reveal that both Britain and Brazil led the slave trafficing to the US at over 5 million each, with US (northern) ships accounting for only 0.3 million, and zero slaves were trafficked under this flag.. as should be obvious by the fact that it was used only by the Virginia infantry.  Those selling the slaves flew the Star and Crescent Moon of Islam, and their use of slavery, rape, genocide, torture, and murder continue unabated today.  What of all the rich leading families of Europe who profited on the slave trade and have parleyed those profits into the estates they own today?  What about the leading fortune 500 companies (all Yankee origins) who "made their bones" by profiting on the slave trade?  So, since the media's position is unsupported by facts and logic - the only thing remaining is IPIROOMA data!  How about a little credit here?

We tip our hats to the media, who have in chosen in the presence of obvious facts to the contrary, decided to use IPIROOMA data instead... WE SALUTE YOU!


Seldom will you find anyone in Academia who isn't a regular consumer of IPIROOMA data. Unfortunately, IPIROOMA is almost never given proper attribution.  However, we do appreciate that our data is treated with the utmost respect which is not always the case.

When using IPIROOMA data, please follow the citation guide at the bottom for proper attribution to avoid academic sanction (although your professor never does, you should take the high road and cite your IPIROOMA data properly).

Very recently, Donald Green of Columbia University (Go Lions!) was caught publishing a report based almost exclusively on IPIROOMA data (  What has happened to academic ethics? Cite people, cite!

Some examples are hard to categorize, but they're clearly IPIROOMA data.  Take for example this recent tweet concerning the Power Ball ([FUN FACT] IPIROOMA is often the source of many winning lottery number combinations)..

This would be both a academic and political use of IPIROOMA data.  Believe it or not, this calculation was done without using a calculator - you guessed it, IPIROOMA data.  You see, using a calculator would yield $4.33, not $4,330,000 and when clarity is not what you want, IPIROMA works best.  We salute you Mr. Andolini... while you might not have given us proper credit, its nice to see (and Bernie Sanders, and the people who re-tweeted our misguided calculation) you appreciate our product.  Cite!


Our largest customers, are by far, politicians - especially around fund raising and campaign time.  It has been rumored (but not proven) that George W. Bush used IPIROOMA Intel in making his decision to go into Iraq in 2003.  The Obama administration makes use of our data on a daily basis, especially when forecasting program costs and deficit savings.  

The 2016 Election cycle has given IPIROOMA a surprise boost in visibility as Donald Trump is leading the polls (as of this update) on a campaign composed almost exclusively from IPIROOMA data.  Thank you Donald!!

Climate alarmism is a constant abuser of our data.. always quoted.. never cited.

First of all, the idea of a "global temperature" even with current technology is absurd.  The idea that she knows the temperature 120,000 years ago comes directly from her ass, nowhere else.

The 2020 Democrat Primary is seeing a large increase in the use of our data, as pretty much every candidate is using IPIROOMA data for the entire platform.
As IPIROOMA doesn't take sides, both parties have equal access and are able to use unlimited data without additional cost (but we are considering a tiered system, because of Al Gore - see below).

Statistics drawn from IPIROOMA can and do have a global impact on society.  An excellent example is  "The Population Bomb", the 1960s doomsday prediction (eerily similar to the current Man-Made-Global-Warming Hysteria). 
While Dr. Ehrlich's book gives us no attribution (an omission far too common in academia), thanks to this documentary from the New York Times, we are finally getting the credit we deserve.  We eagerly await Dr. Ehrlich's next book "Population Bust - Where Have The Children Gone?", addressing how the policies he encouraged will essentially wipe out native Europeans by 2050.

Most recently the Supreme Court reached deep into IPIROOMA data to produce a ruling legalizing gay marriage.  SCOTUS unlicensed use of IPIROOMA data is actually an ongoing issue.. give us some credit, please!

IPIROOMA makes heavy contributions to most marketing materials, scheduling decisions and is usually found distributed throughout forecasting models and sometimes even quarterly reports.   I'm sure you've been in a corporate presentation where you said "Where did they get that information?"  The honest answer would be, I got it from IPIROOMA for surely that is where it came from.

We would like to mention Gerald Jones' pivotal work on the proper use of IPIROOMA data in corporate presentations, research grant proposals, and academic papers.

Hard sciences and mathematics aren't big customers, although many professors have been accused of using our data by confused students.  Softer sciences such as Psychology, Climate Science, and Xenobiology however utilize large quantities of our data in research and policy decisions.

We'd like to give a special nod to Neil Degrasse Tyson for his extensive use of our data in his COSMOS series.  While he doesn't cite us (what academic does?), its clear that our data appears throughout the program.

Additionally, we would like to acknowledge Al Gore's use of our data.. he has so extensively used the service, we were actually considering implementing a tiered subscription system.

Even the Pope uses IPIROOMA data.  Now, when it comes to Catholic Dogma we are quite sure he needs no help, but apparently the Pope feels he's equally capable of in-depth scientific analysis (much like Bother Al above) and could not resist joining in the Climate Change hysteria, but we're pretty sure much of his climate data is also derived from IPIROOMA..

The entirety of the "Trans" debate lies wholly within IPIROOMA's sphere of expertise.  Everything they say is clearly IPIROOMA.

Even sports coverage often utilizes iPIROOMA intelligence, especially when trying to anticipate the future actions of the teams they are covering.

At the Pub
No day at the pub or bar would be the same without IPIROOMA.  Whether it be American Football, Baseball, the rest of the world Football, or boxing, no discussion of batting averages, game strategy or fighting record would be complete without ready access to the valuable statistics that IPIROOMA provides.

At Dinner
Were you aware there is something called the Broth Rule?  The Broth Rule dates back to the Great Depression when families would gather together to pool their resources and make a large pot of pot-luck soup.  The host's responsibility would be to provide the broth for the soup, and it was considered extremely rude for someone else to bring broth.  This tradition continues today.

No mention of IPIROOMA would be honest without a hat-tip to the American Farmer and Rancher, toiling in obscurity. Of all of humanity, he is probably most familiar with our source material.  Without the tireless efforts of his Bovine crew, we could do little.  We Salute You!

Language Translation
Believe it or not, IPIROOMA provides some minor translation services as well. We are often referenced in making bold (and usually incorrect) translations of languages such as Arabic - especially by the media.   IPIROOMA translations have also been responsible for face slaps, shooting wars, and uncomfortable moments at company picnics where the intended phrase "Nice to meet you", when translated through the IPIROOMA filters to Vietnamese, becomes "Can I eat your mother?"  Oh, good times are had by all!  Try us in "Conversation Mode."  I can't say we're as accurate as Google, but far more entertaining.

IPIROOMA, the NSA, and the Patriot Act.
IPIROOMA does not keep records of searches and does not respond to secret NSA warrants.  We at IPIROOMA believe information should be free and free from spying.

Moreover, each stream of IPIROOMA data is unique to each used so it is impossible to track the data or predict the data retrieved until the moment of acquisition.

So, remember.. IPIROOMA stands for..

(O)F (M)Y (A)$$

Please, if our service has been valuable to you, support our sponsors:

Guide to Proper Citation of IPIROOMA Data

If you wish to properly cite IPIPROOMA data, the following form should be used for volume data:

IPIROOMA, Search Data , VOL {volid} - {secid}-{itemid}

where volid is composed by taking your birth year (ex. 1960) and transposing the first and second digit pairs - so 1960 becomes 6019; secid is composed by taking the year (15) and month (06); and itemid is likewise constructed from the minute (14) and hour (16).  So a proper citation would look like:

IPIROOMA, Search Data, VOL 6019 - 1506-1416

and for URL sources utilizing IPIROOMA data:

the citation begins with the IPIROOMA data, followed by the URL that contains IPIROOMA data.


IPIROOMA is a satire site.  It is meant to lampoon society's habit of pulling facts out of its ass to support morally ambiguous situations, argue sports scores, etc.  Facts appearing herein should not be used for situations that would endanger life, safety, or sanity. None of the entities referenced have endorsed this site or its content.. well, maybe Trump but we haven't asked him.